Monterey Secondary College

Monterey Secondary College is a smaller school where all students are well known by all staff and all individual learning needs are catered for.
Small school, Small classes, Bigger outcomes
We believe that the quality of teaching and of teachers has an influence on learning. It is recognised that positive relationships are a foundation for learning. Teachers are a part of a professional learning community: they have a rich, contemporary understanding of the curriculum, of current pedagogy and their own individual needs and capabilities.
Our Teaching:
Occurs in a mutually supportive and safe learning
Delivers a challenging and engaging curriculum.
Elicits a positive response to opportunities provided and expects learners to strive for and achieve personal
Incorporates strategies designed to meet the needs of individuals and groups of students at recognised developmental stages.
Focuses on learning skills that help students develop the habits and behaviours of independent, creative and critical thinkers.
Is innovative and informed by research.
Is communicated professionally.
Student Learning:
Is demonstrated in a variety of authentic ways.
Embraces a range of relevant technologies.
At Monterey we aspire: to be a leader in secondary school education where
Students achieve their potential, enjoy and identify with their school.
Staff are supported professionally, encouraging a lifelong passion for creativity, innovation and learning.
Society benefits through the contributions of the Monterey Secondary School community.
Our Vision:
To provide an opportunity and a pathway through which every child can excel.
Our Values:
Excellence: We strive for excellence in all that we do.
Respect: We act in a manner that demonstrates respect and engenders trust.
Teamwork: We contribute enthusiastically as responsible members of the school and wider communities.