Berendale School

Berendale School is a secondary school educational setting in Hampton East for students with a mild intellectual disability.
Berendale School values a culture of excellence in inclusive education with high expectations for both staff and students.
We focus on a positive climate for learning to enable students to succeed and thrive.
Our school is a professional learning community where collaboration and collective responsibility for improving student learning outcomes provides every student with the best possible post school options.
All students from Years 7-10 follow the Victorian Curriculum and students in Years 11-12
have access to VCAL and a variety of VET courses.
Senior students also have access to School Based Apprenticeships and Training (SBAT) and work experience options. Berendale has a well established Physical Education program whereby students have the opportunity to participate in structured swimming classes, interschool sport and a variety of sport clinics run by external providers.
We have a strong partnership with local sporting clubs and the Special Olympic team. In 2018 our school undertook a Capital Works Project. We now have a new multipurpose building which houses our Food Technology and student run Canteen and Café.
We also have dedicated spaces for our Art and Music Programs. Our enrolments are drawn from a range of local special, mainstream and secondary schools in the Bayside Network. School tours are run on Tuesday mornings between 9:00am and 10:30am and Thursday afternoons between 3:00pm and 4:30pm.
For further queries, information or to book a tour please contact Berendale School on
03 9555 6141.