Six reasons why all-girls schools are different

Choosing a secondary school is one of the big decisions faced by parents. There are many factors to consider and visitors to Mater Christi College often ask about the advantages of an all-girls school.
“We believe that girls learn differently to boys and that they are motivated and respond in different ways. Our student-centred culture celebrates those differences and thrives on the ‘can do’ energy of girls,” said Principal, Mary Fitz-Gerald.
The Alliance of Girls Schools (Australasia) has summarised some of the key research findings about single-sex education. Here are 6 reasons why an all-girls school is different:
Academic advantages: Girls in girls’ schools achieve significantly stronger academic results than any other group in Australia. Girls are free to pursue academic excellence and each achievement is celebrated.
Role models and leadership: All the leadership roles in girls’ schools are filled by girls. Younger students see these female leaders as role models and learn that girls can lead in any field.
Counteracting negative influences: Girls can work through the challenges of adolescence without fear of embarrassment or harassment.
A tailored curriculum: Teachers tailor their practice and curriculum for girls. In a collaborative and supportive environment, girls are free to participate in class without the teacher’s attention being dominated by boys.
Countless opportunities: Girls at girls’ schools enjoy not only equal opportunity but every opportunity. There is no gender stereotyping with subject selection. Girls are able and encouraged to explore a career or future in any area.
Global citizens: Girls’ schools prepare students to be citizens of the world, using rapidly developing technology and forming connections with girls in other countries. There is an emphasis on social justice and community as girls are encouraged to make connections with others beyond the classroom.
Mater Christi College is easily accessible by dedicated buses and public transport links to most Eastern and South Eastern suburbs and only 5 minutes’ walk from Belgrave Station. A visit to the College will enable your family to witness a vibrant and inclusive community where girls feel safe and build supportive lifelong friendships.
Visit for tour information or call the College on 9754 6611.