Spring Parks Primary School

Spring Parks Primary School is a dual campus, multicultural primary school in Springvale with a current enrolment of 300 students. We are proud of our school and would welcome enquiries for a school tour.
Our teaching staff are supported by a significant number of Education Support staff including teacher aides, multi-cultural aides, a Speech Pathologist and Welfare Officers. Together, we work as a strong team to support the needs of our diverse community. Our community partnerships include the local Chinese School; Officeworks – who volunteer at our Breakfast Clubs and Ardoch, who support volunteers to work at our school, as well as investing in our Robotics program. Adult English classes, Computer classes and a Playgroup are also conducted on our sites to further engage with the wider community.
As with most Victorian schools, we are implementing the Victorian Curriculum and we continue to have a focus on Inquiry through our developmental approach to curriculum delivery. Our priorities include a strong emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy which is also reflected in our staffing allocation to support students with their learning needs. In Reading and Numeracy we are a high performing school, as evidenced by our 2018 and 2019 NAPLAN results. We are very proud of the way we support our students to achieve their potential and this includes a proactive approach to building student leadership. Specialist classes enhance our core curriculum in Visual Arts, Physical Education and Spanish.
All school programs and interactions are underpinned by the school’s core values of Respect, Engagement, Achievement, Community and Hope. The wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of all we do and every decision we make and we are committed to using a Restorative Practices approach, which focuses on developing positive relationships between students, teachers and students. The school’s welfare officers have implemented social skills and self-regulation programs for targeted students and they liaise with various organisations to provide relevant and up-to-date information for our families. To compliment this work a partnership has been established with the Resilience Project which focuses on Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.
Our school recognises the importance of academic opportunity and excellence as a gateway to a positive future for its students and promotes thinking skills and goal setting as a way of scaffolding and articulating learning.
Every aspect of our school’s programs support the wellbeing of students, staff and families.
The school has in place excellent protocols for identifying and monitoring the wellbeing of students, through weekly meetings of the Wellbeing Team. Interventions include
liaison with Allied Health staff, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and community partnerships.
Our school has strong relationships with its feeder kindergartens, which we visit regularly so that we can continue to forge close relationships to enhance the transition to school.
Julie Fisher