Mordialloc College

Mordialloc College is a growing school with a proud history of inspiring students and creating the leaders of tomorrow. Our students are challenged and supported, developing the knowledge and skills that allow them to achieve their best. We have a strong focus on the development of core literacy and numeracy skills across the whole college, while striving to develop students who will be confident, successful and valuable citizens in their local and global communities. Our teaching and learning practices are aligned to the Curiosity and Powerful Learning framework developed in conjunction with Monash University and we are using this research to improve the outcomes of our students. Our students are happy, confident, and successful with 100% of students seeking tertiary entry receiving first round VTAC offers in the last seven years.
Parents and visitors compliment us on the warm and orderly school atmosphere, focused and modern learning environments, and our strong sense of community. We encourage all our students to develop high expectations about themselves, their work and their behaviour, which is an expression of our values of Personal Best, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility. Our students enjoy state of the art facilities with our environmentally friendly Discovery centre for Science, refurbished Year 7 and 8 learning centres, refurbished Senior School study spaces, our ICT/Multimedia rich Resource HUB, our new Performing Arts Centre, new school canteen and the new PE/sports stadium and physiology lab. We operate in a BYOD environment Years 7-12, making full use of the potential technology brings with all curriculum and resources provided through Google sites and classrooms and a number of other eLearning platforms specific to subject areas.
Our approach involves working with parents to meet the individual needs of every student, and supporting them to fulfil their academic and co-curricular goals and dreams. The broad range of opportunities and pathways offered in the senior school, including VCE, VET and VCAL cater for the diverse interests, needs and abilities of our students. The College is part of the exclusive SEAL Academy (accredited to provide the Select Entry Accelerated Learning program), and uses the expertise gained through the ongoing development of this specialised enhancement program to support the aspirations of all gifted learners at the College.
Student voice and leadership are important facets of college life, evidenced by the large number of sought after student leadership positions and the highly regarded leadership development program that we use to support our student leaders. Additionally, there is a vibrant extra-curricular program including music, sports, debating, visual and performing arts, camps, excursions, academic competitions and community service. This year we have introduced a Sports Excellence program for students with strong aspirations towards a future in sport or wanting to develop their potential and sport specific skills in Netball, Basketball or AFL.
We are an exemplary school at the forefront of teaching and learning, student relationships and wellbeing and are proud to be recognised as a leading school within the State education system. The College receives regular requests to visit the school to learn more about our school’s initiatives and to see our programs in action and I warmly invite you to do the same, and to see why Mordialloc College is a better choice in education.
Michelle Roberts,