Brighton Secondary College

Established in 1955, we are a co-educational, government secondary college catering for over 900 students from Years 7 – 12, with a proud history of serving our local Bayside community.
We are committed to providing inclusive, comprehensive and wide ranging educational opportunities to young people. This is reflected in the diverse range of academic and creative subjects we offer. Our facilities are excellent and include a well-resourced library, drama centre, performing arts centre, careers room, media centre, sports stadium and hockey/tennis field. We also have a state of the art Science, Arts and Technology wing, appropriately named the da Vinci Centre
The College is an accredited provider of the Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program for high achieving students. This, along with our three Strand SEAL Program (English, Literature and Humanities Enhanced Study – ELHES, Innovation & Enterprise – I & E and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – STEM) means we have comprehensive programs to ensure gifted and talented students reach their full potential. Our VCE results and tertiary entrance offers are consistently well above the State average.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved in our extensive co-curricular program. This includes: the annual musical production and House Chorals Festival, inter school Debating, an array of sporting competitions, community engagement programs, World Challenge program and overseas tours to our sister school in Japan.
As Principal of this College I have an expectation that students will meet the three challenges I set for them:
- Do your best in every endeavour.
- Take advantage of every program and opportunity offered.
- Treat every member of our BSC family with respect.
Leisa Higgins
Acting Principal -