Craigieburn Secondary College

At Craigieburn Secondary College we have high expectations of our students, teachers, parents, curriculum programs and the broader community. Students and staff strive to “be their best” in all aspects of College life. Our focus is to ensure that every student engages with their learning and is challenged to achieve beyond their potential.
Our teaching code of practice is underpinned by a rigorous instructional framework that ensures that there is consistency in the delivery of high level educational programs. We believe that when there is an environment of excellence in every classroom then students will achieve their full potential.
Our programs at Craigieburn Secondary College are stimulating, rewarding and forward looking; they encourage the highest standard of achievement in every activity undertaken by our students. Academic studies and work preparedness are enhanced by personal development, cultural skills, social growth and self-fulfilment. At Craigieburn Secondary College we are committed to the development of our students into well educated, confident young adults, well prepared for a fulfilling and successful future.
The wellbeing and engagement of every new student is an important priority for all Craigieburn teaching and support staff. Our Year 7 students thrive within the supportive environment of the College’s small team approach. Students commence each day under the care of their Personal Learning Time Teacher as their first level of support. Personal Learning Time Programs and a Year 7 Orientation Program quickly promotes confidence and a sense of belonging in our young students to ensure a seamless transition into College life.
The College is organised into sub-schools with a strong emphasis on and support for all students’ transition into and throughout the school. Programs are specifically tailored to build relationships between teachers and students and to meet the individual learning needs of students as they progress through the year levels.
Strong Foundations
Our Year 7 and 8 programs provide a solid foundation for future success by embedding literacy, numeracy and the use of Information and Communication Technologies across all subjects in the curriculum.
Student’s curiosity is heightened through the building of thinking skills and enquiry learning.
Junior school students enjoy access to a broad and engaging curriculum and are supported by tailored learning programs in English and Maths which meet their individual learning needs.
Good study habits, regular homework and pride in achievement are encouraged, expected and rewarded.
Initiative, personal responsibility for learning and a strong sense of commitment is central to life in Years 11 and 12. A highly disciplined and collaborative work ethic among staff and students support each student’s quest for VCE success and successful career pathways.. Students continue their VCE subjects, commenced in Year 10, so that they can enhance their ATAR score. Our vocational programs also provide credit toward the VCE and TAFE courses. Craigieburn Secondary College is proud of its senior students, many of whom achieve outstanding results. They graduate as self-directed, confident young adults, well prepared for the post-secondary world of tertiary study,vocational training or direct employment.
All students are encouraged to undertake enhancement, extension and acceleration programs. Consolidation programs support individual needs. Students are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to community service with student leaders making valuable contributions to school life. College Captains, Sub-school Captains, House Captains and SRC representatives take an active role in decision making within the college.
Innovative teaching programs, staff commitment to ongoing professional development and outstanding physical resources enables the College to deliver a fulfilling educational experience. -