Cranbourne Secondary College

Secondary schooling is an exciting time for students and their families. It is a time where students are working towards greater independence and responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. At Cranbourne Secondary College we provide a dynamic learning environment that stresses the importance of community and relationships. We strongly believe in the provision of a positive environment with high expectations. We encourage excellence through academic and experienced based learning and we aim to provide our students with a broad array of academic and personal skills with which to launch into adult life with confidence and optimism.
In a safe and secure learning environment we encourage students to achieve their personal best and to respect the needs, feelings and opinions of others. We are a school that recognises student effort and acknowledges and celebrates student achievement and success.
As students progress through the secondary years we increasingly encourage students to solve the problems they face at school, seeking help where appropriate. Parents can also assist with this process by playing an active role in the education of their children. The College facilitates this process through the provision of a range of forums where parents can communicate with staff about the education of their children. We welcome and value parent input.
Our College’s approach is to gradually broaden the boundaries of choice and responsibility as young people grow older. This takes place in an atmosphere of respect, trust, cooperation and learning from experience. It also works best when parents encourage their children to take on more responsibility for themselves and the family at home.
At Cranbourne Secondary College we are committed to getting the best from and for our students.