Diamond Valley College

The College is committed to building positive relationships between students, staff and parents, and supporting students in the development of mature attitudes and behaviour, self discipline and community responsibility Staff work to achieve an environment where students feel safe, supported and valued as individuals. Student leadership, participation and acknowledgement of achievement is emphasised through initiatives such as leadership training, peer support, cross-age tutoring, the House System and college awards.
The curriculum and student management is organised via two sub schools. Year level co-ordinators manage the transition processes and subject selections, co-curricula activities and student behaviour Students are organised in home groups with a pastoral teacher and these groups meet twice per week. The junior sub-school (year 7 in particular) receives priority in the allocation of home group teachers as these teachers are generally the home group’s Mathematics and Science teacher or their English and Humanities teacher. The year 7 and 8 teaching teams also conduct a Personal Development for Learning program with a focus on independent and interdependent learning. Year levels and sub-schools conduct meetings specific to their needs; in the senior sub-school this includes visiting speakers and a strong focus on the Managed Individual Pathways program. Staff who teach in each sub-school attend regular meetings to discuss student leaming, welfare and management issues.