Glenroy College

Our School & Our Values
Glenroy College is a co-educational Year 7-12 school in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, about 13 kilometres from the CBD. Our students are drawn from the nearby communities of Glenroy, Coburg, Oak Park, Hadfield and Pascoe Vale. We value the diversity within our school community and believe all our students can achieve to a high standard.
The College has just undergone a multi-million dollar redevelopment, with spacious state-of-the-art learning and administration spaces added for staff and students. The $9 million additions to our College include a new library and resource centre, dedicated Junior and Senior School wings, specialist Arts and Technology spaces, and new administration buildings. The College also has a well-appointed gymnasium, performing arts centre, science centre and undercover canteen. A series of green passive recreational outdoor spaces for students will also be revealed when the redevelopment is officially unveiled in early 2021.
A smaller enrolment of 500 students allows the College to foster a strong pastoral connection with every student while maintaining a mean class size of 21 to maximise academic output. There is a strong focus on attendance and effort in class. Rolls are marked every lesson and parents are contacted when students are absent. Developing a strong home-school partnership is considered crucial and teachers report to parents through progress reports, reporting nights and individual interviews.
Curriculum at Glenroy College is designed to cater for different stages of learning. Student Voice and student leadership provide genuine input to the college programs and structure. Our clear focus is to provide students with a viable pathway including both academic and vocational opportunities. Specialised literacy and numeracy programs and assistants support our drive to continually improve literacy and numeracy across the College. Our teachers are committed to professional learning to achieve these goals.
Year 7 to 10 are guided by the Victorian Curriculum, with a rigorous testing regimen to inform teacher planning and student goal setting. Year 10 also provides alternative academic and vocational pathways linked with work placement and access to VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) subjects for capable students. Year 11 and 12 formalise pathways through VCE and VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning).
Our Values
Our school values of Achievement, Respect, Integrity and Teamwork drive everything we do at Glenroy College. We collectively strive to provide the highest standards of care and learning to our students so that our local community can consider Glenroy College an excellent choice for its students. A steady increase in enrolment, reputation and results over recent years supports our continued push for excellence in education.