Healesville High School

Healesville High School principal Allan Rennick and his staff were absolutely delighted by the outstanding results achieved by the graduating class of 2019. Healesville is one of only two schools in the entire north eastern region of Victoria to have recorded an improved median study score in each of the past two years.
The excellent scores achieved by the students indicated consistency and excellence across the VCE group and may be attributed to a collective focus on student learning outcomes throughout the school. In addition, a whole-school focus on literacy, the school’s commitment to offering a wide range of VCE subject choices, with resultant small class sizes, and an emphasis upon identifying each student’s individual learning needs have undoubtedly contributed to the wonderful academic results attained.
Across the state the mean (average) study score in English is, from year to year, consistently around 28. The mean English study score of the Healesville group last year was 29.91, significantly above the state mean for that subject.
The school is intent on celebrating the successes of last year and is committed to even further improving upon this level of achievement.
Mr Rennick and his staff are also bursting with pride over the achievements, efforts and attitudes of a group of 14 students and three staff members who spent 31 days at the end of last year
trekking through India and completing voluntary work there. The group endured some difficult times but had the most incredibly positive and
life-changing of experiences, whilst continually working together and supporting each other, demonstrating resilience and determination, persistence, compassion and care.
One stunning example of this care and compassion was shown after the tour group returned to Australia minus one staff member who, requiring essential eye surgery, had to remain in India for an extra week. That staff member finally arrived in Australia on December 29, landing at Tullamarine Airport to find almost the entire touring party had returned to the airport and were waiting to greet him.
Mr Rennick said ‘I was so incredibly proud of the students for their approach to the entire trip and it was quite moving to see so many students and their parents at the airport, showing how much they cared for, and appreciated our staff member. What a wonderfully close and caring community we have’.
Mr Rennick looks forward to meeting prospective families at the school’s upcoming Open Night.