Kew High School

Kew High School is co educational with a diversity of students and staff. Within our learning community there is a willingness to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth; an ability to develop positive student-teacher relations; consistent approaches to effective pedagogy and a desire for and responsiveness to professional learning. Staff are committed to a whole school focus on learning and teaching, receptive to innovation and flexibility and provide students, and each other, with a depth of experience, expertise and enthusiasm.
Kew High School has established a firm reputation for providing a secure environment and high quality learning experiences to help all students achieve their full potential. We value a strong code of conduct as we believe that our students are better prepared for learning when they are healthy, safe and happy. With our Student Well Being Coordinator, Chaplain and local student support services we are able to provide excellent pastoral care and programs to help our adolescents deal constructively with difficult issues. We provide a supportive environment where truth, honesty and respect for diversity are promoted.
The focus of the school is on teaching and learning. Everything else that we do at the school supports this. The school has a high expectation of its students and encourages positive attitudes to learning and a belief in success. A large number of our students go on to tertiary studies at Melbourne, Monash and Latrobe Universities as well as TAFE, traineeships and directly to the world of work.
Our emphasis on sport and music is reflected in the increased variety and number of our musical ensembles and in the high participation rate of our students in sport at all levels. Our VET programs provide wider choices for our students. An expanded VCE allows Year 10 students to undertake VCE subjects. Through our Quest programs and electives we offer opportunities for extension and enrichment. Students are involved in a broad range of offerings including science photography, forensic science, debating, history and Maths challenges and the Duke of Edinburgh awards. Computer technology has been progressively integrated into the curriculum and our Year 9 and 10 students have their own tablets.
We believe in the importance of the partnership between teachers, students and parents. Our active family association, QNetwork, organises social events, working bees, fund-raising and contributes to school policy development. We also work to form genuine links with the wider community.
We have a clearly articulated vision underpinned by our agreed values. We are committed to a cycle of continuous improvement and are proud of our achievements.