Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College

Matthew Flinders Girls has been in existence in one form or another since 1856. Today is is one of eight government girls’ schools in Victoria and the only one outside Melbourne.
We have a population of some 650 students, drawn from all around the Geelong region. We offer a rich, diverse and stimulating curriculum and a wide range of extra-curricular activities including outdoor camps, community involvement and an extensive music program.
As a learning community we believe that our single-sex environment is an outstanding educational setting for girls. At a time in life when girls are particularly sensitive and potentially uncertain about their place in the world and how they appear to others, a girls-only environment provides them with the best chance to resist stereotypes, explore opportunities and develop a strong sense of identity and self-worth.
The girls at Matthew Flinders refer to themselves as a ‘sisterhood’, a concept that underlines the strong, supportive connections within our community and the bonds that are sustained for many years after school. Our alumni proudly refer to the enduring ties they feel with many of their MFG ‘sisters’.
We are committed to:
*maintaining a student-centred focus in all we do
*actively exploring the diverse opportunities in the world around us
*pursuing our best in academic, social and sporting endeavours
*nurturing capable, confident, curious young women who are equipped to thrive in their adult lives -