Oberon High School

An open letter to the community from the Principal of Oberon High School
Research has clearly demonstrated that successful schools prioritise quality teaching and learning. At Oberon High School quality teaching and learning is our priority to ensure we continue achieving outstanding academic outcomes for the students who attend. Ongoing professional learning, staff members reflecting on their own practices, team planning and trialling successful research based strategies support this priority.
The school mantra ‘Shape your future … Go one better’ is based on the premise that our students make the most of the extensive opportunities that Oberon offers. This mantra applies for all students, from all ability levels. As the Principal of Oberon High School, I have an expectation that class time is learning time and all students will come prepared to learn and staff prepared to teach to ensure that success is achieved.
It is no accident that Oberon High School students have achieved the best VCE results of state schools in Geelong over the past few years. Nor is it an accident that the students who attend Oberon High School have achieved faster learning growth than the state from Years 7-9 in NAPLAN testing for the past five years. These results are achieved by having outstanding teaching and learning practices facilitated by experienced, dedicated and enthusiastic staff members and supported by ongoing professional learning for teachers around quality teaching and learning.
I currently have the last of my three sons attending Oberon High School, the other two graduated at the end of 2015 and 2017. I chose Oberon as I know that they would be taught by experienced, dedicated and student centred teachers, ensuring a high quality education in not only their academic pursuits, but also in their social and emotional development.
As a parent I want my children to be able to achieve academic excellence, access wide and varied extra-curricular opportunities to support their learning, be in an environment where success is expected and acknowledged, have the opportunity to access leadership development and enjoy positive working relationships between staff and students.
All of this is found at Oberon High School.
As a school community we are very excited by the upcoming relocation of Oberon High School to a state of the art facility in Armstrong Creek for the start of the 2021 school year. This announcement will provide students attending the school with same quality teaching and learning and positive learning environment that currently exists but in a modern facility which I believe will further enhance the outcomes of our students.
I invite you to visit Oberon and see for yourself our commitment to student outcomes. Attend our Open Night on Thursday 28th March from 5.30pm or book a private tour by contacting the office on 5243 4444.
I look forward to meeting you and your family, to showcase what Oberon can offer your child.
Yours sincerely,
Tim McMahon
Oberon High School -