Officer Secondary College

At our College, we are committed to a quality, first-class education that encourages its young people to develop the skills required to thrive in an ever-changing, global community.
For our young people to achieve at a high level, they need to be supported by their community – students, staff and parents. At Officer Secondary College, we foster strong, positive partnerships that put the student at the centre and believe learning is maximized when it takes place in an environment enriched with high expectations, personalised learning, challenge, inclusion and support.
We value academic pursuits, and take pride in helping our students to develop solid core values, and an appreciation of the world around them. We encourage students to be inquisitive and think critically, be creative, view issues and problems from a range of perspectives and to see learning as an ongoing adventure. We promote and cultivate independent thought and the building of character. This enables students to contribute to their communities in a meaningful and positive way. Our students are supported to expound our college values- Excellence, Inclusion, Respect, Creativity, Critical thinking and Global Citizenship- and uphold our college’s motto:
I firmly believe in the capacity of young people to change the world, and the enormous role education has in influencing lives and providing opportunities for a successful future. I look forward to discussing how our college-and its community-can support your child in their educational journey.
You are invited to contact our Enrolment officer on 59424000, to discuss a place at Officer Secondary College for your child.
Best wishes,