William Ruthven Secondary College

We are proud to be named in honour of former local member and World War I Victoria Cross recipient William Ruthven, whose strong commitment to community service and personal qualities of honour and bravery are reflected in our core promise; LEARN – Leadership Excellence Acceptance Respect Now @ WRSC.
Our innovative curriculum ensures that literacy, numeracy and curiosity are the foundations of learning from Years 7-10, maximising success in the VCE and VCAL.
Our learning model is guided by the Curiosity and Powerful Learning framework. Our teachers support our students to set challenging goals and together, we commit to doing our best to achieve those goals.
Experienced and passionate teachers take part in ongoing coaching and mentoring to constantly improve the ways they can support student goals and cater to each student’s learning needs.
Families are regularly updated on student progress, and to ensure learning is fully supported. William Ruthven Secondary College has a strong, supportive School Council and Student Representative Council and enjoys excellent partnerships with La Trobe University, RMIT University, the Northern Local Learning and Employment Network and our sister school located in Inzai, Japan.