Eastwood Primary School & Deaf Facility

Eastwood Primary School and Deaf Facility, in partnership with its community, seeks to optimise the potential of each individual and promote a friendly, safe and healthy school environment. We aim to extend knowledge, challenge thinking, provide choice and ignite passions. The School has a Facility for Deaf/Hearing Impaired students, which services the surrounding districts. Deaf students are fully integrated with support provided by Teachers of the Deaf.
The school’s motto ‘Enthusiasm Precedes Success’ supports the school community’s value for the many facets of development in the preparation of our children for a full life as tomorrow’s adults. Our Student Wellbeing focus aims to empower individuals and teams to enable a sense of connectedness, purpose and zest for life.
We seek to help build self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience in order for our students to approach future life experiences, opportunities and challenges with self-assurance and energy. There is a passionate commitment to all students and their families having a positive sense of belonging.
Eastwood Primary School and Deaf Facility is a great place to:
- Build foundation skills for Learning – Literacy, Numeracy, Thinking and Learning Skills.
- Understand who we are and how we relate to each other. We seek to build relationships, values and sense of belonging to local, national & global communities.
- Develop skills and knowledge for life in an information and technology rich world.
- Develop environmental skills, knowledge and behaviours in an ever changing world.
- As part of our mainstream school the Deaf Facility provides integrated primary education for children who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired.
If you would like to find out more about our wonderful school please contact the school office 03 9870 6103 or eastwood.ps@education.vic.gov.au