Essex Heights Primary School works in partnership with our community to encourage high expectations and provide a rich and engaging learning environment that prepares students to confidently embrace future opportunities. The development of student’s learning potential, through challenge, reflection, lateral thinking and optimal learning experiences, is central to our practices.
Our school engenders a culture of connectedness and creativity. Our strategic priorities are Literacy, Numeracy and Student Engagement and Wellbeing. In addition, we have engaged leading world educators to work with staff to develop best practice curriculum. We have partnered with Deakin University and have participated in several school-based STEM projects. Also, extensive classroom music and instrumental music programs engage students and develop a lifelong passion for music.
Children learn best when they feel safe and secure at school. Through our ‘School Values’ of friendliness, honesty, inclusiveness, persistence and respect, children develop positive attitudes and acquire the skills needed for their future. Our innovative ArtSEL (Art, Social, Emotional Learning) program prepares children to be self-aware young adults. Also, we have partnered with The Resilience Project to build upon the skills taught in ArtSEL, to develop resilient and confident young adults.
The children at Essex Heights, access contemporary, well-resourced learning spaces. These, in addition to the well maintained and excellent outdoor environments, provide ideal settings for learning.