Holy Family Primary School – Doveton

I am incredibly proud to be the Principal of Holy Family Doveton.
The school has been educating the children of Doveton for over 60 years. It is a co-educational Prep to Year 6 school, with enrolments open to all. We are a proud Catholic school and welcome children of all faith and cultural backgrounds.
Having grown up within the local area, I am passionate about providing a quality education, where students recognise their strengths, set high expectations for themselves and see a positive future ahead.
Our grounds are spacious, with abundant space to play and learn. We have large classrooms, plenty of play equipment, a large oval and two basketball courts. Pick up and drop off is a safe, but efficient process at our school.
Our teachers are dedicated, passionate and go above and beyond to share their passions with our students. We have a high teacher to student ratio, which means that students get greater access to expert teachers.
Our expert teachers work hard to understand the students’ point of need, and provide explicit teaching that extends the students’ capabilities. They welcome engagement with families during formal and informal opportunities and share a partnership with the family to create positive outcomes for all students.
Our education support staff work with students who require further assistance to show their strengths. In line with our Inclusive of All mantra, we work to ensure that all students have access to tailored learning opportunities.
Our administration team ensures that our parents are able to communicate with staff, have clear information and manage the school in a responsible fiscal manner.
We emphasise enjoyment. We intentionally encourage our students to have fun. Whilst we take learning seriously, we know Preps enter with bright smiles and big dreams….we want our Year 6 students to leave with those intact.
If you have any questions, concerns or want to know more, feel free to contact me directly on principal@hfdoveton.catholic.edu.au
Every day, I am inspired by our community, hopefully you can be too.
Paul Sharp
MEdLead (ACU) MClinical Teach (Melb Uni) BA/BTeach (ACU)