Holy Family Primary School – Mt Waverley

Mt Waverley
In Faith, We believe, We belong, We learn, We grow
A culture exists in which the Holy Family community values and affirms each individual, with students encouraged to work to their full potential and to build relationships of respect, trust and acceptance.The Science of Learning guides our planning and teaching. Our school is implementing a Behaviour Curriculum to ensure that each child can learn without interruptions and experience a sense of safety and belonging.
Our staff is a highly professional team of educators who continually strive for best practice, innovation and creativity. They are committed to ongoing learning, modelling this culture of learning to the children within our care. We offer a broad based inclusive curriculum with a range of opportunities and experiences that foster the growth of the whole student. We celebrate the unity between the parish and school and encourage you as your child’s first educator to become active participants in both.
Holy Family continues to provide all of our students with opportunities for individual growth (educational, physical, emotional and faith based).
Holy Family provided many extra curricular activities such as –
- ICAS Assessments (available to all students in Years 2-6)
- Maths Olympiad
- Presenting Sustainability Projects at the University of Melbourne
- Gardening Club
- Chess Club
- Coding Club
- Lego Club
Our teaching staff and students are part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools ‘Mathematics Intensive Partnership’.
I am pleased to say that our NAPLAN results showed growth in all areas.
In 2022 our school introduced 2 new programs – Performing Arts and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
In 2023 these programs continued along with Physical Education, Language Other Than English (LOTE), Library and Visual Arts.
Students also have the opportunity to consolidate their Physical Education skills with a one hour sport session with their class teacher each week.
In 2023 our school implemented a ‘structured reading’ program based on the Science of Reading. Our students practise spelling and reading as part of our daily phonics program. Explicit teaching of sounds in a systematic and Cumulative manner which gives our students the best start to cracking the English code early. Teachers check for understanding with the use of mini whiteboards and give feedback and praise to assist students at their point of need.
In terms of intervention, our students have the opportunity to engage in Tier 2 Reading Intervention programs (MiniLit and MacqLit) MultiLit is an evidence based, explicit and effective literacy intervention program for teaching reading skills. Two staff members meet with these students 4 days a week for 45 minutes.
Our school has formed partnerships with Swinburne University, The Resilience Project, Minds That Matter Psychology, Victoria Police (Monash Youth Services) and Respectful Relationships to promote the wellbeing and support the development of positive self image for each student. Our families have access to counsellors and psychologists onsite.
Our students are encouraged to have a ‘voice’ through a variety of avenues – curriculum ideas, Student Representative Council, student leadership and student led clubs.
Each student in Year 6 is presented with a Year 6 Leader badge at our first Mass/Assembly of the year. It is important for all students to feel valued and listened to.
Our Social Justice initiatives are based on ‘giving of your time’ to support others in our community.
This change of focus has encouraged our Senior students to think of ways they can support our local kindergartens and students at our school. Last year our Year 5/6 visited a number of kindergartens to read stories and play games with the kindergarten students.
In 2023, our students increased their awareness of Social Justice issues by being part of the Mini Vinnies Program.
We pride ourselves on the intellectual, spiritual, personal, social and physical growth of each individual within our care and take great pride in the children who leave our care prepared for the academic and social rigours of secondary school.
Our School Advisory Council and Parents and Friends Association are always looking for ways to engage families. Our school continues to offer morning coffee after school drop off.
We look forward to meeting with you to share our outstanding community of Holy Family School Mount Waverley.
Julie David
Principal -