Mentone Girls’ Grammar

We believe children are never too young to be challenged as we help them achieve their goals driven by a genuine love of learning. As an open-entry school, we accept students of all talents and abilities, faiths and cultures. We are consistently ranked among the top schools in Melbourne and our students regularly win prizes for sporting, artistic and academic endeavour. We also have an impressive track record of VCE success and university entry. This is why since 1899, generations of students, staff and parents have been proud to be part of our vibrant learning community.
Our beautiful beachfront location has inspired our WAVES priorities. These key principles guide the way we meet the particular learning needs of girls by contributing to their Wellbeing, Achievement, positive Values, Enterprising nature and Success. These priorities contribute to the unique culture and success of our school, as well as our personalised approach to learning.
In our Early Learning Centre (ELC), specialist early childhood teachers recognise the different ages and stages within each class and provide tailored activities so every girl has power over her own learning.
We provide a highly developed program of intentional teaching based on the principles of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) which supports a unique blend of inquiry and play-based learning. We can see the benefits of our education, not only in how ready our girls are to enter Prep, but how advanced their reading and writing skills are, as well as their social and emotional confidence. This is why we are currently rated as “Exceeding National Quality Standards” in the national ELC Frameworks Accreditation.
The PYP framework is extended in our Junior School as students develop more complex intellectual, emotional and social skills. They are exposed to a diverse program of inquiry and challenged in many areas from music and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), to financial and digital literacy, cultural understanding, leadership and social enterprise. They are encouraged to try new things, take-risks and be bold, tapping into their interests and passions. Teachers develop a rich picture of every student’s learning successes, strengths and challenges, and each girl is supported to grow and develop to her full potential. As a result, our Junior School is recognised as one of the best in the state and consistently ranked well above state and national averages in the NAPLAN literacy and numeracy testing. Most importantly, our students develop confidence, capability and self-worth that are great assets to them in their senior years and beyond. -