St Agatha’s Primary School – Cranbourne

Dear parents and friends of St Agatha’s Primary School
I wish to warmly welcome you to St Agatha’s Catholic Primary School. We are an inclusive and culturally diverse school located in the heart of Cranbourne. Our school is known to be a school of ‘first choice’ for families and their children. We have a rich history of community involvement and a strong emphasis on pastoral care.
Our school motto, ‘Courage, Faith and Love’, reminds us of the bravery of Saint Agatha who displayed great bravery and resilience in the face of persecution. Christ’s commandment of ‘Love one another, just as I have loved you’, (Jn 13:34) is central to the Catholic Identity of the school and inspires us as we strive to build a community where we appreciate and acknowledge the sacred dignity of one another.
Your child’s educational journey is front and centre in our belief that all students can succeed. The highly dedicated and skilled teaching team, places a strong emphasis on ensuring all students progress to the best of their abilities in all areas of the curriculum, particularly English and Mathematics. Specialist programs are in Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Music and Japanese.
Our school sits proudly next to the St Agatha’s Parish Church. We partner with the Parish to offer a comprehensive Sacramental program that includes Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation for our students who are baptised Catholics. We are committed to educating the whole child – spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and creatively. We continually strive to create a Catholic learning community in which Christian values are taught, not only through formal lessons but through our relationships with the entire learning community.
If you would like to know more about the school, please do not hesitate to contact us. The staff and I look forward to welcoming you to St Agatha’s Primary School.
Michelle Bruitzman
Principal -