St Augustine’s Primary School

Frankston South
St Augustine’s is a Catholic Primary School is committed to an education in values and moral development based on the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Gospels and the Catholic Church.
In choosing our school for the formal educational development of your child, you are entering into a most significant and valuable partnership. The importance of this partnership between home and the parish school is reflected in both the students’ learning and the students’ sense of belonging to a community. Without question, parents are the child’s first and foremost teachers. We will endeavour to encourage, challenge and care for your child at all times, as he or she learns more about God, themselves, the world and others.
St Augustine’s is embraced by a strong and committed community and is proud to continue to offer a contemporary learning environment that we believe combines the best Catholic education with proven innovation practices. Our teaching staff is nurturing, passionate and committed to providing optimum learning opportunities for all of our students. It is our sincere hope that all who belong to this school will work together in a climate of respect, support and understanding of each other, and thus provide an environment of security and growth in which each child may prosper.
We warmly welcome your enquiry and sincerely look forward to working in partnership with you and your family.
Carrie Rodda