Weeden Heights Primary School

Weeden Heights Primary School is a dynamic high performing student centred, learning community committed to providing exemplary programs in a challenging, vibrant and safe environment.
The school has outstanding NAPLAN achievement results and academic performance. With a strong student wellbeing program, the school’s values are Respect, Personal Excellence, Collaboration, Curiosity and Creativity feature significantly. Students are empowered and supported to achieve personal excellence and to become lifelong learners and global citizens who make a positive difference to the world. The environment is calm, quiet and safe and promotes a strong sense of belonging and connectedness.
Weeden Heights PS is well supported by families who have high expectations for their children. Parents and the wider community are welcomed into all aspects of the school thus valuing and fostering the school as a learning community while working together with the school, for the best educational outcomes for students. It offers extensive individual learning opportunities that ensure students are extended to their full potential in a warm and nurturing school environment. Our aim is to develop the ‘whole person’ and to give students a high sense of respect, self-confidence and an appreciation that learning is a lifelong process.
While implementing the Victorian Curriculum, the school offers STEAM (including Stephanie
Alexander Kitchen/Garden program), PE, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, French for all year levels.There are many extension and enrichment opportunities and the school offers BYOD (Yrs 3-6)and has mobile labs and ipads. Virtual Reality headsets were introduced in 2024 to enhance the learning experience and a $6 million capital works program, has improved facilities.
Weeden Heights Primary School is a positive, supportive and optimistic school organisation with a culture that promotes student outcomes through engagement and creativity. We are extremely proud of our school and believe strongly in our motto ‘Futures are Bright….at Weeden Heights!’