Ascot Vale Heights School

Ascot Vale Heights School (AVHS) is a small special school that has excellent facilities, programs and fantastic students. The teachers and education support staff are highly committed and experienced to deliver improved learning outcomes for all students.
There are lots of things happening at AVHS to make a difference to the learning outcomes achieved by the students.
The school has moved to a 1 to 1 iPad Program for the students and will use this technology in conjunction with notebook computers and other technologies that support students in their learning.
The school is a state government school that is in close proximity to the city of Melbourne and caters for students that have a cognitive disability.
The school’s vision: “Every student, every day to be given the opportunity to be the best they can be”, is a key driver of all our work at Ascot Vale Heights School.
Students have comprehensive Individual Education Learning Plans and reports are provided to parents in June and December on the progress of the learning goals that have been established for the student.
Learning is differentiated to meet the individual learning needs of each student and, where possible, the students are engaged in applied learning activities i.e. Hands on Learning.
The classroom learning spaces are spacious, well organised and attractive learning environments. Importantly, students have the space to engage in learning activities that are not desk related and also have the space to learn independently.
The school has a wonderful Kitchen and Garden Program that the students love to engage in, along with specialist Music, Art and PE programs.
The students are given the opportunity to have a camping experience each year and are well supported on theses camps by a dedicated and skilled staff.
The school’s community is given every opportunity to engage in the school through whole school events, parent information evenings and student learning celebrations.
Ascot Vale Heights School is an exciting place to be as students are given every opportunity to succeed in their learning, social and well-being and are supported by highly skilled and trained staff.