Healesville High School

I am extremely proud to be the Principal of a school that has a long history of serving our local community. Parents and students at Healesville High School are part of a caring and personalised community. We know our students. We understand their stories, their strengths, their areas for improvement and we work to develop our students into well-rounded people, ready to be successful on a local, national and global scale, depending on their choices.
I am incredibly proud to be the principal of a school that provides our students with so many varied experiences. Our students have the opportunity to participate in district sporting activities and I am always impressed by our ability to compete with much larger schools. We have an outstanding instrumental music program, an annual production, inter-state and international camps and leaderships programs to develop our students. We consistently consider the students in front of us and their needs and we create authentic opportunities to develop every student. We provide our students with all the opportunities they may experience in a larger school, but at the same time we really know our students.
We offer a range of individual pathways at the senior level. Students can access a range of Victorian Certificate of Education classes and a successful Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program. We are suited to develop each individual. Students can also opt to complete a range of Vocational Education and Training subjects to engage them in industry-based learning and to broaden their educational experience.
As the Principal of Healesville High School, I believe that all students entering our school have the capacity to improve and to develop into well-rounded people. I have great trust in my staff to challenge students, to expect students to give their best and to provide students with the experiences they need to enthusiastically engage in their education.
Allan Rennick