Gladstone Park Secondary College


Message from the Principal,

Lynne Gutterson

Gladstone Park is founded on a culture of respect: respect for the school, our peers and ourselves. From this, all aspects of school life follow.

Our highly dedicated staff work hard to bring out the best in students in everything they do. We provide conditions in which students thrive – high expectations, clear boundaries and the opportunity for students to be involved in all aspects of school life. Our facilities and grounds are maintained at the highest standard.

Our Curriculum

At Gladstone Park, our major purpose is to support students in achieving academic success, by giving them the best possible chance of gaining entrance into a course at a University/Tertiary Institution or employment in their chosen pathway.

The school provides a core curriculum program in Years 7-9. Year 10 is predominantly elective

based from a broad selection of subjects.

In addition, we offer two specialist programs – a Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program (SEAL) and an Italian Immersion Program.

Select Entry Programs

SEAL – Select Entry Accelerated Learning

Gladstone Park is a proud member of The Association of Accredited SEAL Schools, and has run a highly successful SEAL program for twelve years. Students in the SEAL program experience the full curriculum offered at the college, however, they move through their learning at a faster pace. Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 are completed in three, rather than four years. In this way, the needs of gifted and high potential students are met by eliminating repetition and considerably increasing the pace and the depth of instruction. This gives these students the option of completing their VCE over three years.

Italian Immersion

Gladstone Park has had an Italian Immersion program for 7 years and is a flagship school for utilising the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology. Immersion students learn language through content, and students in this program develop great concentration skills and mental agility.

Immersion students experience the full curriculum offered at our college while studying Mathematics and Humanities in Italian from Year 7 to Year 9. During the Italian language classes students learn new vocabulary and grammar that will facilitate their content learning.

Extra-curricular activities

Gladstone Park students participate and excel in the arts, performing arts and sport. Our annual school musical, Art Show and music performances are acknowledged for their high production standard and students’ performance skills. We offer a wide range of sporting opportunities and many of our sports teams make it to Regional and State finals.

Year 7 Placement

Gladstone Park is the school of choice for many families and places in Year 7 are highly sought after. We are keen for our local families to have access to our select entry programs and to offer programs that cater for our students’ learning needs. We have very limited places available in these programs and we are proud to prioritise our local high achieving students.