For over 60 years Alkira has been at the forefront of supporting people with an intellectual disability and their families. We pride ourselves on listening to the people we support, and as needs change, so too does Alkira, where possible adapting to meet the needs each individual.
Our Services
Further Education: Momentum / Pathways provide post-secondary school study of accredited and non-accredited subjects for school leavers and operates in conjunction with Box Hill Institute (RTO Code: 4687) from the Nelson Road campus. With an academics and capacity building
focus, the program is outcomes driven, with graduates of Momentum/Pathways experiencing open employment and volunteering, management of their money and budgets, utilising public transport and independence in the community, and even moving out of home.
Networks: Continues the learning beyond Momentum/Pathways and is a community-based education program consolidating and building upon learned skills, and promoting further independence and involvement in the community.
School Leavers Employment Service (SLES): Improves social and economic participation, building confidence to enable participants to reach their goals! Alkira can help develop the skills necessary to become part of the workplace community. This program aims to prepare young adults/School leavers for entry into a Tertiary Institute or a DES (Disability Employment Services) provider.
Connections: We have three sites operating in the City of Whitehorse, each offering a unique environment – something to suit all abilities. Connections offers a range of group based activities and capacity skill building covering – The Arts, Academics, Health & Wellbeing, Independent skills, Recreation & Leisure and Vocational options. Activities are both on site and community based.
Home & Choice: This service offers people more flexibility to meet their needs and wishes by enabling people to use their home as their base for the day rather than attending one of Alkira’s sites.
Residential Services: Specialist Disability Accommodation. Long term accommodation in one of our many specialist accommodation houses where 3-5 people live together with 24 hour staffing support.
Supported Independent Living: Support for people to live as independently as possible in their privately owned home, in a rental property or in other types of housing such as social housing. This can be either alone or with family or with friends.
Short-Term Accommodation: Providing short-term accommodation (respite) for people to have a break from home, spend time with
others that share similar interests and enhance their independent living skills. Short-term accommodation can be provided for anything from a few hours to a few weeks.
Recreation Service: Regardless if you are looking for fun, adventures or relaxing activities – Alkira’s Recreation Service will have something for you. We provide a broad range of leisure and recreational activities in the evenings, on weekends and during holiday periods, as well as week-long holidays across the year.
Transport: Provides transportation for people to access Alkira’s services.
Visit our website at www.alkira.org.au
Contact Alkira via phone: (03) 9890 1365
Or Email: info@alkira.org.au