Ave Maria College

At Ave Maria College we place an emphasis on faith based, innovative student-centred programs, that give students a voice, establish high expectations, and deliver excellence in teaching. The curriculum offered by the College is contemporary, broad, rigorous, and relevant promoting a deep love of learning and a culture of curiosity, enterprise, and excellence. Underpinning learning at Ave Maria College is our Religious Education Program, Charter for Education, and the College Mentor Program as we seek to develop the whole person. We believe in the interconnectedness between faith, learning and wellbeing, and that students learn best when learning occurs through all three lenses. We also strongly believe that all young people are capable of learning and, in doing so, are capable of achieving and experiencing success and excellence in learning.
The young women who attend Ave Maria College are provided with rich and authentic opportunities to learn; discover their own unique gifts and talents; and to develop as a young person so they are ready to contribute to the community and the world. It is our aim to provide students with a safe and nurturing learning environment, that is inclusive of all and encourages a sense of belonging, engagement, and growth so that they can flourish and thrive. Each student at Ave is a known and valued member of our community. They are challenged to give and be their best in all that they do. We pride ourselves on our commitment to ensuring that the students who attend our College develop:
- Connectedness to engage
- Curiosity to explore
- Courage to excel
- Confidence to thrive
- Compassion to love
- Community to grow
As a College, we respect and advocate the role of parents as the first educators of their children and our role as co-educators alongside them. Our partnership with parents is central to our vision for the education of the young women of Ave, as is building strong relationships with our families and the broader community.
We hope the College website provides you with an opportunity to learn more about our community and the experiences that encourage and support the young women of Ave to belong, engage, grow, and thrive. Families of Year 4 and 5 students are invited to explore Ave Maria College in action on our next available school tour. The tours are designed to provide an opportunity to meet students and staff, see classes in progress and to visit our recently renovated facilities. To book a tour, please contact the College registrar on 9331 9308 or registrar@avemaria.vic.edu.au.
May we continue to ‘Strive for Truth through Love’.Tanya Hutton
Principal -