Gleneagles Secondary College

Endeavour Hills
Gleneagles Secondary College is an outstanding educational provider that is committed to creating an inclusive and caring learning environment where all students are supported to achieve their very best.
Gleneagles Secondary College offers a comprehensive program across Years 7-12 where students are given an opportunity in Year 7 and 8 to experience all the subjects on offer, before moving into Middle and Senior School where students are provided with guidance and support and empowered to make choices over their individual pathways.
We are committed to ensuring each and every individual student is provided with the support they require to excel and we offer a range of learning supports and extensions, extracurricular activities and a strong student wellbeing and pastoral program that puts student needs at the centre of everything we do. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity as well as student effort and achievement.
Our learning environment is characterised by a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy, which is foundational to all subjects and is prioritised across Year 7-12, brilliant teachers who are committed to engaging and fostering learning growth for every student, outstanding learning facilities and high expectations around upholding our college R.I.S.E values:
Respect – We value ourselves, others and the environment
Inclusion – We welcome and celebrate all
Stamina – We build our capacity to embrace challenges
Excellence – We have pride and confidence in everything we do
The relationship between Gleneagles Secondary College and home is critical to a young person’s success and we characterise this relationship with a genuine commitment to ongoing communication with our parent / carer community. This takes the form of information around transition and subject selection and ensuring parent / carers are engaged in the process, communications through compass and the college website, ongoing contact with parent / carers in relation to student achievement and / or student concerns and access to our staff leaders always only a phone call or email away.
We invite you to attend a college tour with one of our Principal Team.
Chad Ambrose