St Elizabeth’s Primary School

St. Elizabeth’s school community believes that faith leads to a fuller life. We are a Christian community living in a Catholic tradition but we welcome people of all faiths.
When you are choosing a school it is important to think about what you really want for your child.
At St Elizabeth’s we hope that you will think about the big picture before you make a decision about which school can encourage, teach and support your child to become the very best person possible.
We offer your child an education that will give them life skills not just academic skills.
We offer your child an education that provides them with the tools for happiness.
We educate the students at St Elizabeth’s to be citizens of the future, aware of the society in which they will live and learn.
A society characterised by constant change .and yet offering almost unlimited possibilities.
We want your child to have the knowledge, skills and understandings that will set them up to be confident, independent, responsible people for the whole of their life.
We want to work with you – parents are the most important teachers in a child’s life.
Come and see what we offer!