Christian College Geelong

Learning with Passion for Living with Purpose
Good Work and The Learning That Matters
The central aim at Christian College Geelong is to provide our students with ‘The Learning That Matters’. Our goal is to help students identify fully with God’s purpose and meaning for their lives – so they can directly contribute to making our world a better place. At our College, we call this doing ‘good work’ – and along with our five core values of Faith, Grace, Hope, Love and Truth – it provides the foundation for our Vision Statement:
‘At the end of their journey at Christian College, our students will be ready to make a positive difference to the lives of others, through ‘good work’ that is excellent, ethical and engaged in local, national and global contexts.’
Christian College Geelong welcomes enrolment enquiries at all our campuses across Geelong, Torquay and the Bellarine Peninsula. -