Secondary Schools
John Fawkner College
A good secondary school is a place committed to developing every child, helping them grow into a well-qualified, goal-orientated, independent-thinking young adult. A good...
John Monash Science school
If you have a passion for the sciences, love a challenge and welcome every opportunity to learn, this is the school for you. John...
John Paul College
John Paul College is a Catholic co-educational secondary College in Frankston that has been providing opportunities for students to learn and grow since 1979....
Kambrya College
Kambrya College has achieved outstanding improvement
in all key areas in recent years. Student achievement
data, measured by NAPLAN, VCE, VCAL pass rates and our...
Keilor Downs Secondary College
Keilor Downs College is recognised as providing a
safe and caring learning environment, which attracts
students from many backgrounds.
Kew High School
Kew High School is co educational with a diversity of students and staff. Within our learning community there is a willingness to embrace change...
Keysborough College
Wide choice of subjects and comprehensive curriculum
Welcoming and supportive Year 7 transition program
Musical instruments for junior students
Numeracy and literacy programs that make a difference
Kilbreda College
Welcome to Kilbreda College
Founded in 1904, Kilbreda College is a Catholic secondary school for girls where Christianity is lived out through core Gospel values and...
Kingswood College
Founded in 1890, Kingswood College is an independent, Kindergarten to Year 12 co-educational school, with the vision to embolden hearts and inspire minds. We put...
Kolbe Catholic College
Kolbe Catholic College is a co-educational Year 7 – 12 school serving the people of the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The College is named after St Maximilian Kolbe whose legacy is a story of heroism, courage and self-sacrifice; a beacon of hope for the future. His life is reflected in the College motto – Faith, Courage, Compassion – a vision to provide students with every opportunity to make the most of what life has to offer, to strive to be their very best and be inspired to serve others.
Koonung Secondary College
Welcome to Koonung Secondary College
Established in 1964 in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Koonung Secondary College is a co-educational government secondary college for students...
Kurunjang Secondary College
Kurunjang Secondary College's whole school approach
to literacy allows all students from Year 7 - Year 12
to develop their literacy skills.